In Swift self
is a special property of an instance that holds the instance itself. Most of the times self
appears in an initializer or method of a class, structure or enumeration.
The motto favor clarity over brevity is a valuable strategy to follow. It applies efficiently in most of the cases, and helps to increase the code readability, but... affects code shortness.
Applying this motto to self
, the following 2 opposites arise:
- Should you apply the clarity strategy and keep always
to access instance
? - Or accessing the property from a method brings sufficient context to omit
without significant readability loss?
The answer is that Swift permits and even encourages you to omit self
keyword when it can be done. The challenge is to determine the scenarios when self
is obligatory and when optional.
Challenge accepted! Let's dive into an interesting review of self
keyword in Swift.
1. Access instance properties and methods
For example the following structure Weather
uses self
in its initializer and isDayForWalk()
struct Weather { let windSpeed: Int // miles per hour let chanceOfRain: Int // percent init(windSpeed: Int, chanceOfRain: Int) { self.windSpeed = windSpeed self.chanceOfRain = chanceOfRain } func isDayForWalk() -> Bool { let comfortableWindSpeed = 5 let acceptableChanceOfRain = 30 return self.windSpeed <= comfortableWindSpeed && self.chanceOfRain <= acceptableChanceOfRain } }// A nice day for a walklet niceWeather = Weather(windSpeed: 4, chanceOfRain: 25)print(niceWeather.isDayForWalk()) // => true
special property inside init(windSpeed:chanceOfRain:)
and isDayForWalk()
is the current instance of Weather
structure. It allows to set and access the structure properties self.windSpeed
and self.chanceOfRain
The structure looks nice.
Nevertheless accessing every time self
property may be excessive. The structure initializer and method provide enough context: everything happens inside the structure. Is it possible to get rid of self
As mentioned in the introduction, Swift encourages you to omit the self
keyword whenever possible.
In the previous example, it is recommended to remove self
from isDayForWalk()
method. This makes the method shorter:
struct Weather { /* ... */ func isDayForWalk() -> Bool { let comfortableWindSpeed = 5 let acceptableChanceOfRain = 30 return windSpeed <= comfortableWindSpeed && chanceOfRain <= acceptableChanceOfRain }}
Because isDayForWalk()
method is always invoked in the context of Weather
's instance, Swift enables access of windSpeed
and chanceOfRain
without self
Inside the initializer init(windSpeed:chanceOfRain:)
the parameters and structure properties have the same names windSpeed
and chanceOfRain
. Contrary to previous case, now you cannot remove self
keyword, because it would create an ambiguity between the parameter and property names.
helps making an explicit distinction between parameters (windSpeed
and chanceOfRain
used without self
) and structure properties (self.windSpeed
and self.chanceOfRain
, accessed with self
Let's make an experiment and still remove self
from the initializer:
struct Weather { /* ... */ init(windSpeed: Int, chanceOfRain: Int) { windSpeed = windSpeed chanceOfRain = chanceOfRain } /* ... */}
Looking at the assignment windSpeed = windSpeed
, how Swift can understand which variable is a parameter and which is a property? It's an ambiguity, so Swift plainly decides that you mean only the parameters.
As result an error is thrown: cannot assign to value: 'windSpeed' is a 'let' constant
. It happens because let
constant is assigned to itself windSpeed = windSpeed
, which is not allowed.

2. To be, or not to be
There were plenty of discussions about the obligatory usage of self
to access properties, or contrary to skip self
The obligatory usage of self
brings the benefits of consistency and favors clarity over brevity. You can clearly see the difference between the instance properties (that are prefixed with self.
) from locally defined variables. Maybe...
In my opinion, when you have troubles to distinguish instance properties from local variables within a method: you have a different, deeper problem.
When a structure or class has an excessive number of properties (so called God object), you're probably breaking the Single responsibility principle.
If a method uses a big number of these properties and declares correspondingly many local variables, then such method does too many things. Using an explicit self
to distinguish somehow properties from variables is a temporary workaround for a bad code.
It should not be that way.
Now imagine a well designed structure or class, which has a single responsibility. It contains only strictly necessary properties. A well written method is performing one determined action and as result its code is simple and obvious.
Surely you don't have the problem to distinguish local variables from instance properties in such a method. The usage of self
may be even discouraged, since your adding to obvious code redundant explanations.
So design your classes and structures well, and don't let the methods grow to thousands of lines of code. Then you can omit self
without difficulties, and your code becomes even more expressive and concise.
3. Access type properties and methods
refers to a type (rather than to an instance) when used in a type method.
Let's define following Const
structure with type properties minLimit
, maxLimit
and type method getLimitRange()
struct Const { static let minLimit = 0 static let maxLimit = 250 static func getLimitRange() -> ClosedRange<Int> { return self.minLimit...self.maxLimit }}print(Const.getLimitRange()) // => 0...250
Within the type method getLimitRange()
the type properties are accessed using self.minLimit
and self.maxLimit
. In this case self
refers to Const
type directly.
Interestingly that you can access type properties using two additional forms.
Firstly you can omit self
, and Swift cleverly deduces you're accessing type properties:
struct Const { static let minLimit = 0 static let maxLimit = 250 static func getLimitRange() -> ClosedRange<Int> { return minLimit...maxLimit }}print(Const.getLimitRange()) // => 0...250
Secondly you can indicate the type Const
explicitly when accessing the properties:
struct Const { static let minLimit = 0 static let maxLimit = 250 static func getLimitRange() -> ClosedRange<Int> { return Const.minLimit...Const.maxLimit }}print(Const.getLimitRange()) // => 0...250
is my personal preference when accessing type properties. Const
serves as a namespace that groups constants.
I find great that Swift allows 3 ways to access static properties. Use the one you like!
4. Access instance properties and methods in a closure
A closure is a block of code that can be referenced, passed around and invoked when necessary. A closure has access to variables from the environment where it was defined, also called the closure scope.
Sometimes you need to define a closure in a method. The closure can access the local method variables. What's more important you have to explicitly write self
to access instance properties or methods within the closure.
Let's define a closure inside a method:
class Collection { var numbers: [Int] init(from numbers: [Int]) { self.numbers = numbers } func getAppendClosure() -> (Int) -> Void { return { self.numbers.append($0) } }}var primes = Collection(from: [2, 3, 5])let appendToPrimes = primes.getAppendClosure()appendToPrimes(7)appendToPrimes(11)print(primes.numbers) // => [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
is a class that holds some prime numbers.
The method getAppendClosure()
returns a closure that when invoked appends a new number to the collection. To access numbers
property within the closure you have to explicitly use self
keyword: { self.numbers.append($0) }
The explicit use of self
in a closure is an intentional design. Because closure captures the scope variables, including self
reference, you may create a strong reference cycle between the closure and self
. And you should beware of this potential problem.
To create a strong reference cycle, the common scenario is when a property of an instance is a closure that captures the instance itself. Let's see a sample:
class Person { let name: String lazy var sayMyName: () -> String = { return } init(withName name: String) { = name } deinit { print("Person deinitialized") }}var leader: Person? leader = Person(withName: "John Connor")if let leader = leader { print(leader.sayMyName()) }leader = nil
When the variable leader
is assigned with nil
, normally the instance should be deinitianilazied. You can expect deinit
method to be called that prints "Person deinitialized"
message. However this does not happen.
The strong reference cycle creates the problem.

The instance holds the closure reference leader.sayMyName
and simultaneously the closure captures and holds the instance reference { return }
. Under such circumstances the reference cycle cannot be broken and as result both leader
instance and the closure cannot be deallocated.
The solution is to define inside the closure a capture list and mark self
as an unowned
reference. Let's fix the previous example:
class Person { /* ... */ lazy var sayMyName: () -> String = { [unowned self] in return } /* ... */ deinit { print("Person deinitialized") }}var leader: Person? leader = Person(withName: "John Connor")if let leader = leader { print(leader.sayMyName()) }leader = nil// => "Person deinitialized"
Notice that [unowned self]
is added in the closure, which marks self
as an unowned reference. Now the closure does not keep a strong reference to self
instance. The strong reference cycle between instance and closure is no longer created.
Since leader
instance is not necessary leader = nil
, the memory is deallocated correctly. The deinitializer deinit
is called as expected, which prints "Person deinitialized"
message to the console.
I recommend to read more about instances lifetime at Unowned or Weak? Lifetime and Performance.
Important. When you access self
in a closure, you should always verify whether a strong reference cycle is not created.
4. Individual self usage
Of course there are plenty of situations when you need to return or modify self
directly. Let's enumerate the common scenarios.
Method chaining
When working with classes, you might want to implement a method chaining. Such practice is useful to chain multiple method calls on the same instance, without storing the intermediate results.
The following example is implementing a simple Stack data structure. You can push or pop elements in the stack. Let's take a look:
class Stack<Element> { fileprivate var elements = [Element]() @discardableResult func push(_ element: Element) -> Stack { elements.append(element) return self } func pop() -> Element? { return elements.popLast() } func printElements() { print(elements) }}var numbers = Stack<Int>()numbers .push(8) .push(10) .push(2)numbers.printElements() // => [8, 10, 2]
The method push(:)
returns the current instance self
. This enables the method chaining calls to push multiple elements 8
, 10
and 2
at once into the stack.
Notice that @discardableResult
attribute for push(:)
method suppresses the warning that the result of the last method call in the chain is unused.
Enumeration case
To find what case holds the enumeration within its method, you can easily query self
property with a switch
For example, let's get a string message that describes the enumeration cases:
enum Activity { case sleep case code case learn case procrastinate func getOccupation() -> String { switch self { case .sleep: return "Sleeping" case .code: return "Coding" case .learn: return "Reading a book" default: return "Enjoying laziness" } }}let improving = Activity.learnprint(improving.getOccupation()) // => "Reading a book"
The method getOccupation()
accesses self
to determine the current enumeration case.
New structure instance
In a structure you can dynamically modify the current instance by assigning to self
a new value:
struct Movement { var speed: Int mutating func stop() { self = Movement(speed: 0) }}var run = Movement(speed: 20)print(run.speed) // => 20run.stop() print(run.speed) // => 0
In the mutating method stop()
the assignment self = Movement(speed: 0)
modifies the current instance to a new one.
5. Conclusion
is a property on the instance that refers to itself. It's used to access class, structure and enumeration instance within methods.
When self
is accessed in a type method (static func
or class func
), it refers to the actual type (rather than an instance).
Swift allows to omit self
when you want to access instances properties. My advice is to rely on shortness and skip self
whenever possible.
When a method parameter have the same name as instance property, you have to explicitly use self.myVariable = myVariable
to make a distinction.
Notice that method parameters have a priority over instance properties.
Do you think self
should be omitted or kept? Feel free to write your opinion in the comments section below!