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7 Interview Questions on JavaScript Closures. Can You Answer Them?

Updated September 22, 2021

Every JavaScript developer must know what a closure is. During a JavaScript coding interview there's a good chance you'll get asked about the concept of closures.

I compiled a list of 7 interesting and increasingly challenging questions on JavaScript closures.

Take a pencil and a piece of paper, and try to answer the questions without looking at the answers, or running the code. In my estimation, you would need about 30 minutes.

Have fun!

If you need a refresh on closures, I recommend checking the post A Simple Explanation of JavaScript Closures.

Questions 1: Closures raise your hand

Consider the following functions clickHandler, immediate, and delayedReload:

let countClicks = 0;
button.addEventListener('click', function clickHandler() {

const result = (function immediate(number) {
const message = `number is: ${number}`;
return message;

setTimeout(function delayedReload() {
}, 1000);

Which of these 3 functions access outer scope variables?

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  1. clickHandler accesses the variable countClicks from the outer scope.
  2. immediate doesn't access any variables from the outer scope.
  3. delayedReload accesses the global variable location from the global scope (aka the outermost scope).

Questions 2: Lost in parameters

What will log to console the following code snippet:

(function immediateA(a) {
return (function immediateB(b) {
console.log(a); // What is logged?

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0 is logged to the console. Open the demo.

immediateA is called with the argument 0, thus a parameter is 0.

immediateB function, being nested into immediateA function, is a closure that captures a variable from the outer immediateA scope, where a is 0. Thus console.log(a) logs 0.

Questions 3: Who's who

What will log to console the following code snippet:

let count = 0;
(function immediate() {
if (count === 0) {
let count = 1;
console.log(count); // What is logged?
console.log(count); // What is logged?

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1 and 0 is logged to the console. Open the demo.

The first statement let count = 0 declares a variable count.

immediate() is a closure that captures the count variable from the outer scope. Inside of the immediate() function scope count is 0.

However, inside the conditional, another let count = 1 declares a local variable count, which overwrites count from outer the scope. The first console.log(count) logs 1.

The second console.log(count) logs 0, since here count variable is accessed from the outer scope.

Questions 4: Tricky closure

What will log to console the following code snippet:

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
setTimeout(function log() {
console.log(i); // What is logged?
}, 1000);

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3, 3, 3 is logged to console. Open the demo.

The code snippet executes in 2 phases.

Phase 1

  1. for() iterating 3 times. During each iteration a new function log() is created, which captures the variable i. setTimout() schedules log() for execution after 1000ms.
  2. When for() cycle completes, i variable has value 3.

Phase 2

The second phase happens after 1000ms:

  1. setTimeout() executes the scheduled log() functions. log() reads the current value of variable i, which is 3, and logs to console 3.

That's why 3, 3, 3 is logged to the console.

Side challenge: how would you fix this example to log 0, 1, 2 values after passing 1 second? Write your solution in a comment below!

Questions 5: Right or wrong message

What will log to console the following code snippet:

function createIncrement() {
let count = 0;
function increment() {
let message = `Count is ${count}`;
function log() {
return [increment, log];
const [increment, log] = createIncrement();
log(); // What is logged?

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'Count is 0' is logged to console. Open the demo.

increment() function has been called 3 times, effectively incrementing count to value 3.

message variable exists within the scope of createIncrement() function. Its initial value is 'Count is 0'. However, even if count variable has been incremented a few times, message variable always holds 'Count is 0'.

log() function is a closure that captures message variable from the createIncrement() scope. console.log(message) logs 'Count is 0' to console.

Side challenge: how would you fix log() function to return the message having the actual count value? Write your solution in a comment below!

Questions 6: Restore encapsulation

The following function createStack() creates instances of stack data structure:

function createStack() {
return {
items: [],
push(item) {
pop() {
return this.items.pop();
const stack = createStack();
stack.pop(); // => 5
stack.items; // => [10]
stack.items = [10, 100, 1000]; // Encapsulation broken!

The stack works as expected, but with one small problem. Anyone can modify items array directly because stack.items property is exposed.

That's an issue since it breaks the encapsulation of the stack: only push() and pop() methods should be public, but stack.items or any other details shouldn't be accessible.

Refactor the above stack implementation, using the concept of closure, such that there is no way to access items array outside of createStack() function scope:

function createStack() {
// Write your code here...
const stack = createStack();
stack.pop(); // => 5
stack.items; // => undefined

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Here's a possible refactoring of createStack():

function createStack() {
const items = [];
return {
push(item) {
pop() {
return items.pop();
const stack = createStack();
stack.pop(); // => 5
stack.items; // => undefined

Open the demo.

items has been moved to a variable inside createStack() scope.

Thanks to this change, from the outside of createStack() scope, there is no way to access or modify items array. items is now a private variable, and the stack is encapsulated: only push() and pop() method are public.

push() and pop() methods, being closures, capture items variable from createStack() function scope.

Questions 7: Smart multiplication

Write a function multiply() that multiples 2 numbers:

function multiply(num1, num2) {
// Write your code here...

If multiply(num1, numb2) is invoked with 2 arguments, it should return the multiplication of the 2 arguments.

But if invoked with 1 argument const anotherFunc = multiply(num1), the function should return another function. The returned function when called anotherFunc(num2) performs the multiplication num1 * num2.

multiply(4, 5); // => 20
multiply(3, 3); // => 9
const double = multiply(2);
double(5); // => 10
double(11); // => 22

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Here's a possible implementation of multiply() function:

function multiply(number1, number2) {
if (number2 !== undefined) {
return number1 * number2;
return function doMultiply(number2) {
return number1 * number2;
multiply(4, 5); // => 20
multiply(3, 3); // => 9
const double = multiply(2);
double(5); // => 10
double(11); // => 22

Open the demo.

If number2 parameter is not undefined, then the function simply returns number1 * number2.

But if number2 is undefined, it means that multiply() function has been called with one argument. In such a case let's return a function doMultiply() that when later invoked performs the actual multiplication.

doMultiply() is a closure because it captures number1 variable from multiply() scope.


Compare your answers with the answers in the post:

  • You have a good understanding of closures if you answered correctly 5 or more questions
  • But you need a good refresher on closures if you answered correctly less than 5 questions. I recommend checking my post A Simple Explanation of JavaScript Closures.

Ready for a new challenge? Try to solve the 7 Interview Questions on "this" keyword in JavaScript.

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Dmitri Pavlutin

About Dmitri Pavlutin

Software developer and sometimes writer. My daily routine consists of (but not limited to) drinking coffee, coding, writing, overcoming boredom 😉, developing a gift boxes Shopify app, and blogging about Shopify. Living in the sunny Barcelona. 🇪🇸