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7 Interview Questions on "this" keyword in JavaScript. Can You Answer Them?

Posted February 23, 2021

In JavaScript this is the function invocation context.

The challenge is that this has a complicated behavior. That's why during a JavaScript coding interview you might be asked how this behaves in certain situations.

Since the best way to prepare for a coding interview is to practice, in this post I compiled a list of 7 interesting interview questions on this keyword.

If you're not familiar with this keyword, I recommend reading the post Gentle Explanation of "this" in JavaScript.

Note: JavaScript snippets below run in non-strict mode, also known as sloppy mode.

Question 1: Variable vs property

What logs to console the following code snippet:

const object = {
message: 'Hello, World!',
getMessage() {
const message = 'Hello, Earth!';
return this.message;
console.log(object.getMessage()); // What is logged?

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'Hello, World!' is logged to console. Open the demo.

object.getMessage() is a method invocation, that's why this inside the method equals object.

There's also a variable declaration const message = 'Hello, Earth!' inside the method. The variable doesn't influence anyhow the value of this.message.

Question 2: Cat name

What logs to console the following code snippet:

function Pet(name) { = name;
this.getName = () =>;
const cat = new Pet('Fluffy');
console.log(cat.getName()); // What is logged?
const { getName } = cat;
console.log(getName()); // What is logged?

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'Fluffy' and 'Fluffy' are logged to console. Open the demo.

When a function is invoked as a constructor new Pet('Fluffy'), this inside the constructor function equals the constructed object. = name expression inside Pet constructor creates name property on the constructed object.

this.getName = () => creates a method getName on the constructed object. And since the arrow function is used, this inside the arrow function equals to this of the outer scope — the constructor function Pet.

Invoking cat.getName(), as well as getName(), returns the expression that evaluates to 'Fluffy'.

Question 3: Delayed greeting

What logs to console the following code snippet:

const object = {
message: 'Hello, World!',
logMessage() {
console.log(this.message); // What is logged?
setTimeout(object.logMessage, 1000);

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After a delay of 1 second, undefined is logged to console. Open the demo.

While setTimeout() function uses the object.logMessage as a callback, still, it inovkes object.logMessage as a regular function, rather than a method.

And during a regular function invocation this equals the global object, which is window in the case of the browser environment.

That's why console.log(this.message) inside logMessage method logs window.message, which is undefined.

Side challenge: how can you fix this code so that 'Hello, World!' is logged to console? Write your solution in a comment below!

Question 4: Artificial method

How can you call logMessage function so that it logs "Hello, World!"?

const object = {
message: 'Hello, World!'
function logMessage() {
console.log(this.message); // "Hello, World!"
// Write your code here...

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There are at least 3 ways how to call logMessage() as a method on the object. Any of them is considered a correct answer:

const object = {
message: 'Hello, World!'
function logMessage() {
console.log(this.message); // logs 'Hello, World!'
// Using method;
// Using func.apply() method
// Creating a bound function
const boundLogMessage = logMessage.bind(object);

Open the demo.

Question 5: Greeting and farewell

What logs to console the following code snippet:

const object = {
who: 'World',
greet() {
return `Hello, ${this.who}!`;
farewell: () => {
return `Goodbye, ${this.who}!`;
console.log(object.greet()); // What is logged?
console.log(object.farewell()); // What is logged?

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'Hello, World!' and 'Goodbye, undefined!' are logged to console. Open the demo.

When calling object.greet(), inside the method greet() this value equals object because greet is a regular function. Thus object.greet() returns 'Hello, World!'.

But farewell() is an arrow function, so this value inside of an arrow function always equals this of the outer scope.

The outer scope of farewell() is the global scope, where this is the global object. Thus object.farewell() actually returns 'Goodbye, ${window.who}!', which evaluates to 'Goodbye, undefined!'.

Question 6: Tricky length

What logs to console the following code snippet:

var length = 4;
function callback() {
console.log(this.length); // What is logged?
const object = {
length: 5,
method(callback) {
object.method(callback, 1, 2);

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4 is logged to console. Open the demo.

callback() is called using regular function invocation inside method(). Since this value during a regular function invocation equals the global object, this.length is evaluated as window.length inside callback() function.

The first statement var length = 4, being in the outermost scope, creates a property length on the global object: window.length becomes 4.

Finally, inside the callback() function this.length evaluates as window.length4 being logged to console.

Question 7: Calling arguments

What logs to console the following code snippet:

var length = 4;
function callback() {
console.log(this.length); // What is logged?
const object = {
length: 5,
method() {
object.method(callback, 1, 2);

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3 is logged to console. Open the demo.

obj.method(callback, 1, 2) is invoked with 3 arguments: callback, 1 and 2. As result the arguments special variable inside method() is an array-like object of the following structure:

0: callback,
1: 1,
2: 2,
length: 3

Because arguments[0]() is a method invocation of callback on arguments object, this inside the callback equals arguments. As result this.length inside callback() is same as arguments.length — which is 3.


If you've answered correctly 5 or more questions, then you have a good understanding of this keyword!

Otherwise, you need a good refresher on this keyword. I recommend revising the post Gentle Explanation of "this" in JavaScript.

Ready for a new challenge? Try to solve the 7 Interview Questions on JavaScript Closures.

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Dmitri Pavlutin

About Dmitri Pavlutin

Software developer and sometimes writer. My daily routine consists of (but not limited to) drinking coffee, coding, writing, overcoming boredom 😉, developing a gift boxes Shopify app, and blogging about Shopify. Living in the sunny Barcelona. 🇪🇸