How to Parse URL in JavaScript: hostname, pathname, query, hashUpdated January 29, 2023javascripturlStart discussionHow to easily parse URL in JavaScript and access components like hostname, pathname, query, or hash. Continue reading ➞
3 Ways to Detect an Array in JavaScriptPosted June 30, 2020javascriptarrayStart discussion3 ways to check if a value is an array in JavaScript: Array.isArray(), instanceof Array and toString() === '[object Array]'. Continue reading ➞
How to Get the Screen, Window, and Web Page Sizes in JavaScriptPosted June 23, 2020browserwindowStart discussionHow to get the screen, browser window, and web page sizes (width and height) in JavaScript. Continue reading ➞
3 Ways to Check If an Object Has a Property/Key in JavaScriptUpdated January 25, 2023javascriptobjectpropertyStart discussionThe 3 ways to check if an object has a property or key in JavaScript: hasOwnProperty() method, in operator, comparing with undefined. Continue reading ➞
How to Compare Objects in JavaScriptUpdated January 28, 2023javascriptequalityobjectStart discussionHow to compare objects in JavaScript: referential, manual, shallow, and deep equality. Continue reading ➞ vs Strict Equality Operator in JavaScriptPosted May 31, 2020javascriptequalityStart discussionWhen should you use instead of strict equality check in JavaScript? Continue reading ➞
Own and Inherited Properties in JavaScriptPosted May 24, 2020javascriptprototypeinheritanceobjectStart discussionKnowing the difference between own and inherited properties helps understanding the JavaScript prototypal inheritance. Continue reading ➞
5 Differences Between Arrow and Regular FunctionsUpdated March 21, 2023javascriptfunctionarrow functionStart discussionThe 5 must-know differences between arrow and regular functions in JavaScript. Continue reading ➞
How to Use Object Destructuring in JavaScriptUpdated January 28, 2023javascriptdestructuringStart discussionObject destructuring is a JavaScript feature to extract properties from objects and bind them to variables. Continue reading ➞
Your Guide to React.useCallback()Updated January 28, 2023reactmemoizationStart discussionReact.useCallback() memoizes callback functions. Continue reading ➞