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Record Type in TypeScript: A Quick Intro

Posted April 28, 2023

The usual way to define a type of an object in TypeScript is using an object type:

interface SalaryInterface {
annual: number
bonus: number
const salary: SalaryInterface = { annual: 56000, bonus: 1200 } // OK

or an index signature:

type NumericObject = {
[key: string]: number
const salary: NumericObject = { annual: 56000, bonus: 1200 } // OK

These are good ways to define object types.

But Record<K, V>, the third approach, has the benefit of being shorter and more readable. Let's see how to use it in your code.

1. Record type

Record<K, V> is a generic type that represents an object type which keys are K and values are V.

For example, Record<string, number> is an object type with string keys and number values:

type NumericRecord = Record<string, number>
const salary: NumericRecord = { annual: 56000, bonus: 1200 } // OK

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Record<string, number> is permissive regarding the object structure, as long as the keys are strings and values are numbers:

type NumericRecord = Record<string, number>
const salary1: NumericRecord = { annual: 56000 } // OK
const salary2: NumericRecord = { monthly: 8000 } // OK
const salary3: NumericRecord = { } // OK
const salary4: NumericRecord = { foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: -2 } // OK

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But Record<string, number> throws a type error if the value of a prop is a string:

type NumericRecord = Record<string, number>
const salary2: NumericRecord = { annual: '56K' } // Type error!

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There are 2 simple rules to remember regarding the allowed types of the keys and values. In Record<K, V>:

  • the key type K is restricted to number, string, symbol, including their literals
  • but there is no restriction on the value type V

Let's see some valid record types:

type T1 = Record<string, string> // OK
type T2 = Record<number, number> // OK
type T3 = Record<string, () => void> // OK
type T4 = Record<number | 'key1', boolean> // OK
type T5 = Record<'key1' | 'key2', boolean> // OK
type T6 = Record<string, Record<string, number>> // OK
type T7 = Record<string, { payment: number }> // OK

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Types like boolean, object, Function, etc. are not accepted as keys:

type T1 = Record<boolean, number> // Type error!
type T2 = Record<object, number> // Type error!

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2. Record with union key

As seen above, Record<string, number> permits any key names in the object. But quite often you need to annotate objects with a fixed set of keys.

The record type accepts a union type as a key, which is useful to fixate the keys.

A union of string literals is a common way to define the key type:

type Keys = 'key1' | 'key2' | 'keyN'

For example, Record<'annual' | 'bonus', number> represents an object which can have only annual and bonus keys:

type Salary = Record<'annual' | 'bonus', number>
const salary1: Salary = { annual: 56000, bonus: 1200 } // OK

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Using less than necessary or keys than aren't in the union is prohibited:

type Salary = Record<'annual' | 'bonus', number>
const salary1: Salary = { annual: 56000 } // Type error!
const salary2: Salary = { bonus: 1200 } // Type error!
const salary3: Salary = { } // Type error!
const salary4: Salary = { monthly: 8000 } // Type error!

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The record type with union keys is equivalent to the regular object type. The record type has the benefit of not repeating the value type (like the regular object does):

type Salary = Record<'annual' | 'bonus', number>
// is equivalent to
type SalaryObj = {
annual: number
bonus: number

3. Record benefits

I prefer record type instead of index signature most of the time. Record syntax is shorter and more readable (altought it's also a matter of taste).

For example, the record parameter is a bit easier to grasp than the index signature parameter:

function logSalary1(salary: Record<string, number>) {
function logSalary2(salary: { [key: string]: number }) {

Compared to record type, the index signature doesn't accept literals or a union as key type:

type Salary = {
[key: 'annual' | 'bonus']: number // Type error!

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4. Conclusion

Record<K, V> is an object type with key type K and value type V.

The key type K can be only number, string, or symbol, including their literals. On the value type V is no restriction.

To limit the keys to a specific set, you can use a union of string literals Record<'key1' | 'key2', V> as the key type.

Check also my post index signatures to learning more about object types.

How often do you use record type?

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Dmitri Pavlutin

About Dmitri Pavlutin

Software developer and sometimes writer. My daily routine consists of (but not limited to) drinking coffee, coding, writing, overcoming boredom 😉, developing a gift boxes Shopify app, and blogging about Shopify. Living in the sunny Barcelona. 🇪🇸