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Inheritance in JavaScript: Understanding the constructor Property

JavaScript has an interesting inheritance mechanism: prototypal. Most of the starting JavaScript developers have hard time understanding it, as well as I had.

All types in JavaScript (except the null and undefined values) have a constructor property, which is a part of the inheritance. For example:

var num = 150;
num.constructor === Number // => true
var obj = {};
obj.constructor === Object // => true
var reg = /\d/g;
reg.constructor === RegExp; // => true

In this article we'll dive into the constructor property of an object. It serves as a public identity of the class, which means it can be used for:

  • Identify to what class belongs an object (an alternative to instanceof)
  • Reference from an object or a prototype the constructor function
  • Get the class name

1. The constructor in primitive types

In JavaScript the primitive types are number, boolean, string, symbol (in ES6), null and undefined. Any value except null and undefined has a constructor property, which refers to the corresponding type function:

  • Number() for numbers: (1).constructor === Number
  • Boolean() for booleans: (true).constructor === Boolean
  • String() for strings: ('hello').constructor === String
  • Symbol() for symbols: Symbol().constructor === Symbol

The constructor property of a primitive can be used to determine it's type by comparing it with the corresponding function. For example to verify if the value is a number:

if (myVariable.constructor === Number) {
// code executed when myVariable is a number
myVariable += 1;

Notice that this approach is generally not recommended and typeof is preferable (see 1.1). But it can be useful for a switch statement, to reduce the number of if/else:

// myVariable = ...
var type;
switch (myVariable.constructor) {
case Number:
type = 'number';
case Boolean:
type = 'boolean';
case String:
type = 'string';
case Symbol:
type = 'symbol';
type = 'unknown';

1.1 The object wrapper for a primitive value

An object wrapper for a primitive is created when invoking the function with new operator. Wrappers can be created for new String('str'), new Number(15) and new Boolean(false) . It cannot be created for a Symbol, because invoked this way new Symbol('symbol') generates a TypeError.
The wrapper exists to allow developer to attach custom properties and methods to a primitive, because JavaScript doesn't allow for primitives to have own properties.

Existence of these objects may create confusion for determining the variable type based on the constructor, because the wrapper has the same constructor as the primitive:

var booleanObject = new Boolean(false);
booleanObject.constructor === Boolean // => true
var booleanPrimitive = false;
booleanPrimitive.constructor === Boolean // => true

2. The constructor in a prototype object

The constructor property in a prototype is automatically setup to reference the constructor function.

function Cat(name) { = name;
Cat.prototype.getName = function() {
Cat.prototype.clone = function() {
return new this.constructor(;
Cat.prototype.constructor === Cat // => true

Because properties are inherited from the prototype, the constructor is available on the instance object too.

var catInstance = new Cat('Mew');
catInstance.constructor === Cat // => true

Even if the object is created from a literal, it inherits the constructor from Object.prototype.

var simpleObject = {
weekDay: 'Sunday'
simpleObject.prototype === Object // => true

2.1 Don't loose the constructor in the subclass

constructor is a regular non-enumerable property in the prototype object. It does not update automatically when a new object is created based on it. When creating a subclass, the correct constructor should be setup manually.

The following example creates a sublcass Tiger of the Cat superclass. Notice that initially Tiger.prototype still points to Cat constructor.

function Tiger(name) {, name);
Tiger.prototype = Object.create(Cat.prototype);
// The prototype has the wrong constructor
Tiger.prototype.constructor === Cat // => true
Tiger.prototype.constructor === Tiger // => false

Now if we clone a Tiger instance using clone() method defined on Cat.prototype, it will create a wrong Cat instance.

var tigerInstance = new Tiger('RrrMew');
var wrongTigerClone = tigerInstance.clone();
tigerInstance instanceof Tiger // => true
// Notice that wrongTigerClone is incorrectly a Cat instance
wrongTigerClone instanceof Tiger // => false
wrongTigerClone instanceof Cat // => true

It happens because Cat.prototype.clone() uses new this.constructor() to create a new clone. But the constructor still points to Cat function.

To fix this problem it's necessary to manually update the Tiger.prototype with the correct constructor function: Tiger. The clone() method will be fixed too.

//Fix the Tiger prototype constructor
Tiger.prototype.constructor = Tiger;
Tiger.prototype.constructor === Tiger // => true
var tigerInstance = new Tiger('RrrMew');
var correctTigerClone = tigerInstance.clone();
// Notice that correctTigerClone is correctly a Tiger instance
correctTigerClone instanceof Tiger // => true
correctTigerClone instanceof Cat // => true

Check this demo for a complete example.

3. An alternative to instanceof

object instanceof Class is used to determine if the object has the same prototype as the Class.
This operator searches in the prototype chain too, which sometimes makes difficult to identify the subclass instance from superclass instance. For example:

var tigerInstance = new Tiger('RrrMew');
tigerInstance instanceof Cat // => true
tigerInstance instanceof Tiger // => true

As seen in the example, it's not possible to check if tigerInstance is exactly a Cat or Tiger, because instanceof returns true in both cases.
This is where the constructor property shines, allowing to strictly determine the instance class.

tigerInstance.constructor === Cat // => false
tigerInstance.constructor === Tiger // => true
// or using switch
var type;
switch (tigerInstance.constructor) {
case Cat:
type = 'Cat';
case Tiger:
type = 'Tiger';
type = 'unknown';
type // => 'Tiger'

4. Get the class name

The function object in JavaScript has a property name. It returns the name of the function or an empty string for anonymous one.
In addition with constructor property, this can be useful to determine the class name, as an alternative to

var reg = /\d+/; // => 'RegExp' // => '[object RegExp]'
var myCat = new Cat('Sweet'); // => 'Cat' // => '[object Object]'

Because name returns an empty string for an anonymous function (however in ES6 the name can be inferred), this approach should be used carefully.


The constructor property is a piece of the inheritance mechanism in JavaScript. Precautions should be taken when creating hierarchies of classes.
However it offers nice alternatives to determine the type of an instance.

See also
What's up with the constructor property in JavaScript?

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Dmitri Pavlutin

About Dmitri Pavlutin

Software developer and sometimes writer. My daily routine consists of (but not limited to) drinking coffee, coding, writing, overcoming boredom 😉, developing a gift boxes Shopify app, and blogging about Shopify. Living in the sunny Barcelona. 🇪🇸