Don't Stop Me Now: How to Use React useTransition() hookPosted June 23, 2021reactusetransitionhookStart discussionHow to speed up UI updates by prioritizing updates using React useTranstion() hook. Continue reading ➞
A Simple Explanation of JavaScript Variables: const, let, varPosted June 16, 2021javascriptvariableconstletvarStart discussionHow to declare, initialize, assign and read JavaScript variables using const, let and var statements. Continue reading ➞
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How to Memoize with React.useMemo()Updated February 12, 2023reactusememohookStart discussionHow and when to use React.useMemo() hook to improve the performance of React components. Continue reading ➞
How to Cleanup Async Effects in ReactPosted May 25, 2021reactasyncStart discussionHow to correctly cleanup async side-effects in React when the component unmounts or updates. Continue reading ➞
Why Math.max() Without Arguments Returns -InfinityPosted May 18, 2021javascriptnumberStart discussionWhat is the reason that Math.max() utility function when being called without arguments returns -Infinity. Continue reading ➞
How to Debounce and Throttle Callbacks in ReactUpdated January 28, 2023reactcallbackStart discussionHow to debounce and throttle callbacks in React using useCallback() and useMemo() hooks. Continue reading ➞
Don't Confuse Function Expressions and Function Declarations in JavaScriptPosted May 4, 2021javascriptfunctionStart discussionWhat are the differences between function declarations and function expressions in JavaScript. Continue reading ➞
How to Use ES Modules in Node.jsUpdated March 22, 2023javascriptmodulenodejsStart discussionHow to Use ES (ECMAScript) Modules in Node.js environment. Continue reading ➞
Solving a Mystery Behavior of parseInt() in JavaScriptPosted April 20, 2021javascriptnumberStart discussionSolving a mystery of how parseInt() parses small float numbers in JavaScript. Continue reading ➞