How To Setup Your Local React PlaygroundPosted February 11, 2020reactStart discussionHow to setup your local React playground in 3 easy steps: install parcel, create 2 source files, run parcel. Then... play with React! Continue reading ➞
3 Ways To Access Object Properties in JavaScriptUpdated January 25, 2023javascriptobjectpropertydestructuringStart discussionYou can access an object property in JavaScript in 3 ways: dot property accessor, square brackets property accessor, or object destructuring. Continue reading ➞
5 Best Practices to Write Quality Arrow FunctionsPosted January 29, 2020javascriptarrow functionclean codeStart discussionBest practices on how to write quality, readable and concise arrow functions in JavaScript. Continue reading ➞
How to Use Template Strings in JavaScriptUpdated March 21, 2023javascriptstringStart discussionTemplate strings in JavaScript are surrounded by backticks `string` and perform string interpolation: `Hello ${who}!` Continue reading ➞
The Explicit Coding DisciplinePosted January 15, 2020craftsmanshipclean codeStart discussionThe explicit coding discipline favors clear and explicit expression of intent in the code. Continue reading ➞
NaN in JavaScriptPosted January 8, 2020javascriptnumberStart discussionNaN, denoting "Not A Number", is a special number in JavaScript created after a faulty operation on numbers. Continue reading ➞
How To Use Correctly JavaScript Utility LibrariesPosted January 2, 2020javascriptmoduleStart discussionHow to correctly integrate JavaScript utility libraries into your application and minimize the increase of bundle size. Continue reading ➞
3 Ways To Replace All String Occurrences in JavaScriptUpdated January 27, 2023javascriptstringStart discussionYou can replace all occurrences of a string using split and join approach, replace() with a regular expression and the new replaceAll() string method. Continue reading ➞
Infinity in JavaScriptUpdated October 2, 2022javascriptnumberStart discussionInfinity in JavaScript is a special number bigger than any finite number. Continue reading ➞
The Complete Guide to JavaScript ClassesPosted December 11, 2019javascriptclassinstanceofStart discussionJavaScript classes initialize instances with constructors, have fields and methods, permit encapsulation with private fields. Continue reading ➞